TM 5-3895-383-24
Certain abbreviations follow the nomenclature of "SAE J754".
Some classifications follow "SAE J183" abbreviations, and
some classifications follow the "EMA Recommended Guideline
on Diesel Engine Oil". In addition to Caterpillar definitions,
there are other definitions that will be of assistance in
purchasing lubricants. Recommended oil viscosities can be
found in this publication, "Engine Oil" topic (Maintenance
Caterpillar Fluids
Caterpillar fluids have been approved by Caterpillar in order to
increase the performance of Caterpillar components and the
life of Caterpillar components. Caterpillar fluids that are
currently used for engines and for machines are offered by
Caterpillar dealers. Caterpillar fluids are also offered for
continued refills. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for more
information on these Caterpillar fluids.
Caterpillar recommends the use of the following Caterpillar
Caterpillar Multigrade Diesel Engine Oil (DEO)
Caterpillar Transmission/Drive Train Oil (TDTO)
Caterpillar Multipurpose Tractor Oil (MTO)
Caterpillar Hydraulic Oil (HYDO)
Caterpillar Biodegradable Hydraulic Oil (HEES)
Caterpillar Gear Oil (GO)
Caterpillar Multipurpose Lithium Grease (MPG)
Caterpillar Multipurpose Molybdenum Grease (MPGM)
Caterpillar Special Purpose Grease (SPG)
Caterpillar Premium Grease (CPG)
Caterpillar Extended Life Coolant (ELC)
Caterpillar Diesel Engine Antifreeze/Coolant (DEAC)
Engine Oil
SMCS Code: 1000; 1348
D300, 3000, 3100, 3176, 3196, 3200, 3300, 3400, and 3500
series of diesel engines.
Caterpillar Diesel Engine Oil (DEO)
Caterpillar Oils have been developed and tested in order to
provide the full performance and service life that has been
designed and built into Caterpillar Engines. Caterpillar Oils are
currently used to fill diesel engines at the factory. These oils
are offered by Caterpillar dealers for continued use when the
engine oil is changed. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for more
information on these oils.
Due to significant variations in the quality and in the
performance of commercially available oils, Caterpillar makes
the following recommendations:
Caterpillar Diesel Engine Oil DEO (10W30)
Caterpillar Diesel Engine Oil DEO (15W40)
Caterpillar multigrade Diesel Engine Oil is formulated with the
correct amounts of detergents, dispersants, and alkalinity in
order to provide superior performance in Caterpillar Diesel
Caterpillar multigrade Diesel Engine Oil is available in two
viscosity grades (10W30 and 15W40). In order to choose the
correct oil viscosity to use for the ambient temperature, refer to
the table for Lubricant Viscosities. Multigrade oils provide the
correct viscosity for a broad range of operating temperatures.
Multigrade oils are effective in maintaining low oil consumption
and low levels of piston deposits.
Caterpillar multigrade Diesel Engine Oil can be used in other
diesel engines and in gasoline engines. See the engine
manufacturer's guide for the recommended specifications.
Compare the specifications to the specifications of Caterpillar
multigrade Diesel Engine Oil. The current industry standards
for Caterpillar Diesel Engine Oil are listed on the product label
and on the data sheets for the product.
Consult your Caterpillar dealer for part numbers and for
available sizes of containers.
Maintenance Section
Lubricant Specifications