TM 5-3895-382-24
Vibratory Motor
(9XL1-228, 3WZ1-157, 2JM1-578, 4JZ1-121, 3TM1-705,
5BZ1-118, 6EN1-126, 1ZN1-120, 2TN1-117)
Components Of Vibratory Motor.
(1) Output shaft. (2) Driven gear. (3) End cap.
The vibratory motor is a fixed displacement hydraulic motor.
Oil flows to and from the motor through hoses attached to end
cap (3).
High pressure oil from the pump enters the motor through the
end cap. The oil then rotates the drive gear assembly (not
shown in illustration). The drive gear assembly rotates driven
gear assembly (2) and transmits the power generated through
output shaft (1).
Cooling and lubricating the internal moving parts of the motor
is done with normal internal leakage oil.
After driving the vibratory motor, the oil flows from motor into
the low pressure loop line.
Vibratory Motor
(9XL229-Up, 3WZ158-Up, 2JM579-Up, 4JZ122-Up,
3TM706-Up, 5BZ119-Up, 6EN127-Up, 2TN118-Up,
1ZN121-Up, 1FS1-Up, 1XZ1-Up)
Components Of Vibratory Motor.
(1) End cap. (2) Port plate. (3) Cylinder block. (4) Piston. (5) Shaft.
(6) Housing. (7) Swashplate.
The vibratory motor is a fixed displacement hydraulic motor.
Oil flows to the motor and from the motor through hoses
attached to the end cap (1).
High pressure oil from the pump enters the motor through the
end cap (1). The oil will pass through the port plate (2) and the
oil will act on the piston (4).
Piston (4) is one of nine pistons in the assembly of the cylinder
block (3).
As the pistons react to the high pressure oil, the cylinder block
(3) and the pistons (4) rotate as an assembly. The cylinder
block (3) is splined to the shaft (5). Rotating torque is
transferred to the shaft (5). The displacement of the motor is
controlled by the nonadjustable swashplate control angle (7).
The nonadjustable swashplate control angle is machined into
motor housing (6).