TM 5-3895-382-24
Flushing Valve
Vibratory Flushing Valve Manifold.
(1) Axle forward pressure test port. (2) Drum forward pressure test
pot. (3) Shuttle valve. (4) Vibratory loop high amplitude test port. (5)
Charge pressure test port. (6) Axle reverse pressure test port. (7)
Drum reverse pressure test port. (8) Charge relief valve. (9) Vibratory
loop low amplitude test port. (10) Hydraulic oil test port (SOS).
The vibratory flushing valve manifold contains seven test ports,
shuttle valve (3) and charge relief valve (8).
Shuffle Valve.
(4) Spring. (5) Port to loop line. (6) Port to charge relief valve and oil
cooler. (7) Port to loop line. (8) Port to loop line. (9) Port to loop line.
(10) Spool.
The shuttle valve allows oil from the vibratory system to go to
the oil cooler. When oil from the high pressure side of the
vibratory system loop is at ports (7) and (9), shuttle spool (10)
moves all the way to the opposite end of the valve body. Oil
from the low pressure side of the vibratory system loop goes
through port (8), around spool (10), and through port (6) to the
charge relief valve. The oil then goes to the oil cooler.
When oil from the high pressure side of the vibratory system
loop is at ports (5) and (8), shuttle spool (10) moves all the way
to the opposite end of the valve body. Oil from the low
pressure side of the vibratory system loop goes through port
(9), around spool (10), and through port (6) to the charge relief
valve. The oil then goes to the oil cooler.
The shuttle valve always allows oil from the low pressure side
of the vibratory loop to go to the oil cooler When the vibratory
system is off, the shuttle valve is open centered and allows oil
from both sides of the loop to go to the oil cooler.