pressure. Repeat cycle for five minutes.
injector rack and turn the engine over until charge
pressure reaches 30 PSI (2.1 kg cm2) or more.
CAUTION: Should the charge pressure drop below 100
h. Start the engine and maintain a 750 RPM speed for
PSI (7.0 kg/cm2) above pump case
five (5) minutes. This will allow the system to fill
pressure at any time, discontinue start-up
properly. Pressure surges may be observed on pressure
until trouble has been determined.
gauge - this is normal while running at 750 RPM, the
charge pressure must be at least 100 PSI (7.0 kg/cm2)
n. Run engine at maximum RPM with the pump in
above case pressure. If it is not, shut down and
neutral. Observe the reading of the suction filter vacuum
gauge located on the filter. This gauge should be
reading NORMAL.
i. Increase speed to 1000 RPM; charge pressure
should be 190-220 PSI (13.4-15.5 kg/cm2) above pump
o. Shut down engine, remove all gauges and replace
case pressure.
all lines and plugs. Check reservoir oil level and tighten
oil fill cap.
j. Shut down the engine and reconnect the push-pull
cable to the pump linkage.
p. Machine is now ready for operation.
k. Check oil level in reservoir. Fill if necessary.
I. Restart engine and run at 1500 to 1800 RPM.
Charge pressure should be 190-220 PSI (13.4-15.5
complete explanation of the by-pass valve and its
kg/cm above pump case pressure.
m. Move Direction-Throttle Control Bail slowly to the
forward and then to the reverse position. Charge
pressure will drop to 160-180 PSI (11.2-12.7 kg/cm2)
a. Adjust wire stop on control cable for 1/8 - 114 in.
above pump case
(3.2-6.4 mm) free play (see figure
FIGURE 7-105.