3.4 Blower
c. Turn the puller screw clockwise and pull the sleeve
Assembly Blower
off of the shaft.
Refer to Fig 7
and assemble the blower as
d. Support the rotor, gear end up, on the bed of an
arbor press.
1. Install new lip type oil seals in each end plate in
current blowers as follows:
e. Start a new sleeve straight on the shaft.
a. Place the end plate on the bed of an arbor press.
f. Place sleeve installer J 23679-1 on top of the sleeve
b. Lubricate the outer diameter of the seal and, using
and press the sleeve on the shaft until the step in
installer J 22576, press the seal (lip facing down)
into the counterbored hole until the shoulder on
the installer contacts the shoulder on the shaft.
the installer contacts the end plate (Fig. 9).
NOTE: The step in the sleeve installer properly
NOTE: A step on the seal installer will position
positions the sleeve on the shaft.
the oil seal below the finished face of the end
plate within the .002 " to .008" specified.
2. Install the ring type oil seals on the rotor shafts of
former blowers as follows:
a. Install a retainer spring on each shaft of each
rotor. Then place an "0" ring retainer (dished
side up) on each spring.
To replace the former "0" ring oil seals by the current
b. Lubricate the "0" rings with clean engine oil,
lip type oil seals, rework the end plates by following
then slide one ring on each shaft.
the instructions given in Shop Notes in Section 3.0.
c. Lubricate and place a seal on each shaft. Note that
the tangs on each seal are flush with one side of
the seal; this side of the seal must face toward the
3. Place the front end plate on two wood blocks. Then
install the rotors, gear end up. on the end plate
(Fig. 10). On the former blowers, be sure that the ring
type oil seal\ are properly posittoned on the rotors.
4. Install the blower housing over the rotors (Fig. 11).
NOTE: To prevent Inadequate lubrication or low
oil pressure. care must be exercised in the
assembly of the front and rear blower end
plates to the blower housing. The rear end plate
3-53 blower does not have tapped
for the
holes for the thrust washer plate bolts and no
thrust washer lubricating oil holes.
5. Place the rear end plate over the rotor shafts
(Fig. 12). On the former blowers, be sure that the ring
type oil seals are properly positioned on the rotors.
Fig. 15 - Minimum Blower Rotor Clearance
Then secure each end plate to the 3-53 blower housing
with two end plate retaining screws and two cover
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