Blower 3.4
bolts. Install a new engine end plate to blower gasket
over the threaded ends of the bolts. Apply Scotch Grip
Install the rear end plate cover and gasket and
Rubber Adhesive No. 4300, or equivalent. to the
secure the cover and end plate to the blower with six
engine end plate side of the gasket.
bolts and special washers and two reinforcement plates
NOTE: The current front and rear end plate
and tighten the bolts to 20-25 lb-ft torque.
gaskets are identical and may be used in either
position. Formerly these gaskets were not
interchangeable due to a difference in thickness.
3. Place the blower on the cylinder block locating
flanges and. while holding the blower in place, thread
Install Blower
the six bolts finger tight in the rear engine end plate
and flywheel housing. Then install the blower-to-block
Examine the inside of the blower for any foreign
mounting bolts and washers and tighten them to 10-15
material. Also revolve the rotors by hand to be sure
lb-ft torque.
that they turn freely. Then install the blower on the
engine as follows:
4. Tighten the center blower-to-end plate bolts first
and then the top and bottom bolts to 20-25 lb-ft
torque. Then tighten the blower-to-block bolts to 55-60
lb-ft torque.
1. Affix a new blower-to-block gasket on the side of the
cylinder block. Use Scotch Grip Rubber Adhesive
5. Check the backlash between the upper rotor gear
No. 4300, or equivalent, only on the block side of the
and the camshaft or balance shaft gear. The backlash
should be .003" to .007".
2. Position the blower front end plate and gasket on
6. Install the air shut-down housing (Section 3.3)
the end of the blower and install six bolts with two
special washers on the center bolts and the
reinforcement plates on the two top and two bottom
SEC. 3.4 Page 11
July, 1972