Blower 3.4
Disassemble Blower
1. Wedge a clean cloth between the rotor to prevent
their turning. Then remove the blower gear retaining
bolts and washers.
2. For identification. mark the R.H helix gear Then
remove the gears with pullers J 5825-01 as follows.
a. With the pullers in place under the gears (Fig. 5).
place a brass bar. approximately 1" long and
5/8" diameter. between the point of each puller
bolt and blower rotor shaft.
CAUTION: If the brass bar is larger than 5/8"
diameter. the serrations in the blower drive
gear may be damaged.
b. Alternately turn the bolt in each puller until the
gears are off the shafts.
3. Remove the rotor shims and the gear spacer and
place them with their respective gears to ensure correct
4. At the other end of the blower. remove the three
thrust plate bolts. the thrust plate and three spacers
from the front end plate. Remove the bolts and thrust
washers (refer to Fig. 7).
5. Remove the two screws that retain the end plate to
the blower housing. Tap the end plate off of the dowel
pins and housing with a soft (plastic) hammer. being
careful not to damage the mating surfaces of the end
plate and the housing.
6. Remove the rotors from the blower housing
7. Remove the retaining screws and remove the rear
end plate as in Step 5.
8. Remove and discard the lip type oil seals from the
end plates on current blowers. Remove the seal
washer, "O" ring. retainer and retainer spring from
each rotor shaft on former blowers.
July, 1972
SEC. 3.4 Page 3