A c c e s s o r y Drive 1.7.7
tightened, as well as the bolt in the adjusting
d. Turn the retainer over again, bearing side up, and
press the accessory drive shaft in the bearing until
the shoulder on the shaft contacts the bearing.
5. Assemble the accessory drive shown in Fig. 5 as
e. Apply a light coat of grease to the mounting
flange of the retainer and place a new gasket in
a. Press a new oil seal in the oil seal retainer. if the
position against the flange. Align the holes in the
seal was removed.
gasket with the bolt holes in the flange.
b. Coat the mounting flange of the retainer lightly
f. Place the retainer and drive shaft assembly against
with grease and place a new gasket against the
the flywheel housing, rotating the shaft slightly, if
flange. Align the holes in the gasket with the bolt
necessary, to permit the teeth of the drive shaft to
holes in the flange.
mesh with the teeth in the drive plate. Secure the
retainer assembly to the flywheel housing with
c. With the accessory drive hub in place (see Step 2
five bolts and lock washers.
above), slip the retainer and oil seal assembly
over the end of the shaft. Use care not to damage
g On current accessory drives, install the spacer over
the oil seal. Secure the retainer to the flywheel
the shaft and against the bearing.
housing with five bolts and lock washers.
d. Install the Woodruff key. Start the pulley straight
h. Install the Woodruff key in the drive shaft. Start
on the shaft, aligning-the keyway in the pulley
the pulley straight on the shaft, aligning the
with the key on the shaft. Use a soft hammer to
keyway in the pulley with the key on the shaft.
tap the pulley on the shaft.
Use a soft hammer to tap the pulley on the shaft.
e. Install the washers and the pulley retaining bolt
i . Thread the pulley retaining nut on the end of the
and draw the bolt up tight.
drive shaft and draw it up tight.
f. Install the accessory on the engine and slip the
j. Install the accessory on the engine and slip the
drive belt over the pulleys. Position the accessory
drive belt over the pulleys. Position the accessory
to provide the proper tension on the belt and
to provide the proper tension on the belt and
secure it in place.
secure it in place.
NOTE: When installing or adjusting an acces-
sory drive belt, be sure the bolt at the accessory
NOTE: When installing or adjusting an acces-
adjusting pivot point is properly tightened, as
sory drive belt(s), be sure the bolt at the
well as the bolt in the adjusting slot.
accessory adjusting pivot point is properly
SEC. 1.7.7 Page 5
July, 1972