A c c e s s o r y Drive 1.7.7
Fig. 5 Components of Accessory Drive for Belt Driven Accessory (Drive Hub Type)
the drive retainer assembly to the flywheel housing.
Remove the retainer assembly.
Clean the accessory drive parts with clean fuel oil and
dry them with compressed air. Examine the gear teeth
6. Remove the accessory drive shaft, drive plate and
of the drive shaft, drive coupling, drive hub or drive
spacer (Fig. 6), or drive hub (Fig. 5). in a manner
plate for wear. If worn excessively, replace them with
similar to that outlined in Step 5 under removal of the
new parts.
direct gear driven type accessory drive.
Inspect the ball bearing used to support the accessory
drive shaft shown in Fig. 6. Wash the bearing in clean
7. Remove the snap ring and ball bearing from the
fuel oil and dry it with compressed air. Shielded
accessory drive shaft retainer assembly shown in
bearings must not be washed; dirt may be washed in
Fig. 6.
and the cleaning fluid could not be entirely removed
Fig. 6 . Components of Accessory Drive for Belt Driven Accessory (Drive Plate Type)
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