1.3.5 Engine front Cover (Lower)
3. Thread two 3/8"-16 pilot studs approximately 8"
long into two diametrically opposite bolt holes in the
cylinder block to guide the cover in place (Fig. 3).
4. Apply a light coat of cup grease to the lip of the oil
seal. Slide the engine front cover over the oil seal
expander and pilot studs as shown in Fig. 3. Push the
cover forward until the inner rotor of the oil pump
contacts the pump drive gear on the crankshaft. Rotate
the crankshaft slightly to align the teeth, then push the
cover up against the gasket and block. Do not force
the cover.
5. Remove the oil seal expander and pilot studs.
and install the 3/8"-16 bolts
6. Refer to Fig 1
and lock washers. Tighten the bolts to 30-35 lb-ft
7. Affix a new seal ring on the end of the lubricating
oil pump inlet tube next to the flange on an In-line
Attach the flange or elbow to the front cover with bolts
and lock washers. Tighten the bolts to 13-17 lb-ft
Fig. 3 -lnstalling Lower Engine Front Cover
8. Affix a new oil pan gasket to the bottom of the
In.Line Engine
cylinder block. then install and secure the oil pan to
the block with bolts and lock washers. Tighten the
Install Engine Front Cover
1. Affix a new cover gasket to the cylinder block.
9. Install the crankshaft pulley as outlined in
Section 1 .3.7.
2. Install oil seal expander J 7454 over the front end
of the crankshaft
1 0 . Refer to Lubricating Oil Specifications in
Section 13.3 and refill the crankcase to the proper
level on the dipstick.
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