E N G I N E FRONT C O V E R ( L o w e r )
The engine lower front cover is mounted against the
cylinder block at the lower front end of the engine
It serves as a housing for the
crankshaft front oil seal, the lubricating oil pump, the
oil pressure regulator valve and the oil cooler by-pass
Remove Engine Front Cover
valve. The clean-out openings in the periphery of the
current cover incorporate tapped holes and 1/2 "-14
1. Drain the oil and remove the oil pan.
threaded plugs.
2. Remove the crankshaft pulley as outlined in
engines effective with engine
On all In-line
Section 1.3.7.
serial number
3D-4295 (except 3D-4373),
3. Remove the two bolts and lock washers that secure
the oil
the lubricating oil pump inlet tube flange or elbow to
pressure regulator valve is located on the right-hand
the engine front cover.
side of the engine front cover, as viewed from the
front of the engine. Prior to the above engine serial
4. Remove the bolts and lock washers that secure the
numbers, the oil pressure regulator valve was located
engine front cover to the cylinder block.
on the left-hand side of the front cover just below the
oil cooler by-pass valve.
5. Strike the cover with a soft hammer to free it from
the dowels. Pull the cover straight off the end of the
6. Remove the cover gasket.
7. Inspect the oil seal and lubricating oil pump as
outlined in Sections 1.3.2 and 4.1. Also check the oil
pressure regulator valve and oil cooler by-pass valve as
outlined in Sections 4.1.1 and 4.4.
Fig. 1 - Engine Front Cover Mounting (Lower)
In-Line Engine
SEC. 1.3.5 Page 1
March, 1973