Engine Systems
The length of time a heat exchanger will function
or by-passes the heat exchanger and flows directly to
the water pump, depending on the coolant
satisfactorily before cleaning will be governed by the
kind of coolant used in the engine and the kind of raw
water used. Soft water plus a rust inhibitor or a high
While passing through the core of the heat exchanger,
boiling point type antifreeze should be used as the
the coolant temperature is lowered by raw water,
engine coolant.
which is drawn by the raw water pump from an
outside supply. The raw water enters the heat
When foreign deposits accumulate in the heat
exchanger at one side and is discharged at the
exchanger to the extent that cooling efficiency is
opposite side.
impaired, such deposits can, in most instances, be
removed by circulating a flushing compound through
T o protect the heat exchanger element from
the fresh water circulating system without removing
electrolytic action, a zinc electrode is located in both
the heat exchanger. If this treatment does not restore
the heat exchanger inlet elbow and the raw water
the engine s normal cooling characteristics, contact an
pump inlet elbow and extends into the raw water
authorized Detroit Diesel Allison Service Outlet.
Fig. 19 - Typical Cooling System for V-Type Engine
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