1 - 1 . Purpose. To provide User and Support personnel supplemental
m a i n t e n a n c e and repair parts instructions that have special application
to Commercial Construction Equipment (CCE) items.
1 - 2 . Scope. T h i s publication applies to Department of the Army Units,
O r g a n i z a t i o n s and Activities that use and/or support the CCE Roller,
P n e u m a t i c Tired, Self-Propelled.
1 - 3 . CCE Item. T h e term "CCE Item" used in this publication applies
to a standard commercial item of commercial equipment that has been
approved for a specific TOE requirements and is procured and supported
under the CCE System Plan. T h i s plan permits maximum utilization of
t h e civilian construction industry's competitive research and develop-
m e n t , manufacturer's equipment publications and commercial sources
for repair parts.
1 - 4 . D e s c r i p t i o n . The CCE Roller, Pneumatic Tired is manufactured by
t h e Hyster Co of Kewanee, Ill. T h e roller is powered by an in-line
t h r e e cylinder (3-53 series) Detroit Diesel Engine. The transmission
a s s e m b l y consists of three basic components; (1) Torque Converter, (2)
Forward-Reverse Transmission, and (3) Three-Speed Constant Mesh Trans-
m i s s i o n . A transfer case is used to redirect the power flow from the
t r a n s m i s s i o n assembly to the front drive wheels. Steering is a manually
c o n t r o l l e d hydraulic system. A pressure water spray system and a tire
i n f l a t i o n system that enables the operator to vary tire pressure while
t h e machine is in motion are also included.
1 - 5 . O p e r a t i o n a l Concept. The CCE Roller, Pneumatic Tired will be
d e p l o y e d worldwide as a replacement for pneumatic tired towed rollers,
LINS S12164, S12301, and S12438. T h e roller is intended for use in
construction operations for:
( 1 ) Compacting to a high density all earthen materials except
clean sand and large aggregates.
( 2 ) Compacting to a high density base course, bituminous and
stabilized mixes and pavement.
1 - 6 . Procurement Status. The procurement contract number is DSA 700
75-C-8687 and was awarded on 30 June 75.