12-1. GENERAL.
12-2. This section contains a description and
overhaul Instructions for the tire Inflation
system for the C530A Compactor.
12-3. Design specifications are presented in
12-4. The tire inflation system is installed only
on units which are equipped with a
Detroit Diesel engine. With this system the
operator can vary tire pressure while the unit is
in motion, thereby varying ground contact
12-5. The system consists of the following
components which will be discussed in detail:
1. Compressor
2. Two air tanks and safety valve
3. Air pressure regulator
4. Air pressure gauge
5. Tire safety valve
FIGURE 12-2.
6. Quick release valve
7. Pressure holding valve
During the downstroke of the piston, a slight
vacuum, created above the piston, causes the
inlet valve to move off its seat. Atmospheric air
is drawn in through the compressor intake, by
the open iniet valve, and on top of the piston.
tires is watercooled and is lubricated from the
As the piston starts its upward stroke, the air
engine oil system3 It has a capacity of 7-1/4
that was drawn in on the downstroke is
cubic feet (.205 m ) per minute at 1250 RPM.
compressed. Air pressure on top of the inlet
valve, plus the force of its spring, return the
inlet valve to its seat. The piston continues its
right side of the engine. It is belt driven by the
u p w a r d stroke and compresses the air
crankshaft pulley.
sufficiently to overcome the discharge valve
spring and unseat the discharge valve. The
I t has automatic type inlet valves. Their
c o m p r e s s e d air then flows by the open
unloading mechanisms are located in the
discharge valve, Into the discharge line and on
cylinder block.
to the reservoir.
12-14. As the piston reaches the top of its
stroke and starts down, the discharge valve
spring returns the discharge valve to its seat.
This prevents the compressed air in the
12-12. The compressor runs whenever the
discharge line from returning to the cylinder
engine runs. But air compression is controlled
bore as the intake and compression cycle is
by a governor which stops or starts the
compression of air by loading or unloading the
compressor in conjunction with Its unloading
12-15. NON-COMPRESSION (Unloaded) (see
mechanism. This is done when the air pressure
figure 12-5).
in the system reaches the desired maximum or
minimum pressures.
12-16. When the air pressure in the reservoir