a. Connect the torque converter to the drive
plate and torque capscrews to 15 ft.-lbs. (2.07
b. Adjust converter runout to .020 inch (.508
a. Attach a dial indicator to the converter
housing with its point resting on the impeller
hub (pump drive sleeve).
b. Rotate the engine one full turn. The
indicator should register not more than .020
c . If the indicator variation is substantially
m o r e than .020 inch (508 mm), remove the
charging pump, which is bolted to the front of
torque converter housing, torque converter and
the transmission, is driven by the impeller (see
drive plate and check the flywheel for runout.
d. Then attach the converter drive plate to
7-16. The transmission consists of a forward
the flywheel and check for runout on the rear
of the drive plate. Using a pry bar, the plates
and a reverse clutch pack, an idler gear, and a
can be brought into tolerance.
countershaft that is parallel to the idler gear
e. If the indicator reading is out of tolerance
7-17. The gear on the input shaft is integrally
only a small amount like .030 inch (.762 mm),
attached to the forward clutch pack housing.
a pry bar applied between the converter and the
B o t h turn in the same direction of engine
f l y w h e e l at the proper place may bring the
output. The input gear, turning counterclock-
reading into tolerance.
wise, meshes with the idler gear and turns it
clockwise. The idler gear turns the cluster gear
counterclockwise. The cluster gear turns the
7-14. GENERAL.
reverse clutch clockwise through its attached
gear. Hence, both clutch pack housings turn at
7-15. The torque converter turbine drives the
all times, but in opposite directions (see
forward-reverse transmission input -shaft. The
7-18. The friction plates in each clutch pack
a r e of sintered bronze. They are internally
splined to a clutch hub which splines to the
output shaft. The separator plates of polished
steel are splined to the clutch housings. When
a clutch pack is hydraulically locked up, power
flows through the input shaft, the clutch pack
housing, the separator plates and the friction
7-19. The clutch packs are splash lubricated.
Oil is splashed by the gears through holes in
the side of the clutch pack housings. This oil
escapes through holes in the housings.