(4) Screws and studs. Inspect all mounting screws and studs for damaged, worn, or corroded threads.
Replace all defective screws, studs, and nuts.
e. Installation.
(1) If the camshaft bearings have been removed, press them into the cylinder block with an arbor press. Make
sure that the oil holes are properly alined. All bearings are precision finished, and line reaming is not
(2) Install the camshaft (1, fig. 94), being extremely careful not to damage the bearings.
(3) Install the thrust plate (3) and oiler plate (12). Tighten the screws (10) and nuts (5).
(4) Install the key (7) on the camshaft (1).
(5) Position the camshaft gear (6) on the camshaft and see that the keyway in the gear is properly alined with
the key (7). Press the gear (6) on the camshaft (1).
(6) Camshaft end play is controlled by the thickness of the thrust plate (3) and the width of the spacer hub on
the camshaft. The proper camshaft end play is 0.005 to 0.009 inch. Attach a dial indicator to the cylinder
block so that the pointer of the indicator will rest against the face of the camshaft gear. Move the camshaft
back and forth and observe the readings on the indicator. If the end play exceeds the high limit, remove the
gear and replace the thrust plate (3).
(7) Inspect the camshaft and crankshaft gears for back lash and wear. If a 0.003-inch-thickness gage can be
inserted between the matching teeth, the gears must be replaced. If either gear needs to be replaced,
replace both gears.
(8) Make sure that the timing marks (3 and 5, fig. 95) on the camshaft and crankshaft gears are properly alined.
The marked teeth on the crankshaft gear (4) must be placed between the two marked teeth on the camshaft
gear (1).
(9) Install the lockwasher (8, fig. 94) and nut (9). Tighten the nut (9) and bend the lip of the lockwasher (8) over
the top edge of the nut.
(11) Time the valves by adjusting the No. 6 cylinder exhaust valve-tappet clearance to 0.014 inch. Turn the
crankshaft until the No. 6 piston is at top dead center and is about to come down for the intake stroke. With
the piston in this position, the exhaust valve should be closing and the inlet valve opening. Adjust all valves