or carbon squeezed between the back of the bearing and its seat can cause rapid bearing failure due to a
localized high spot. Install the bearing shells (17, fig. 82) on the connecting rod (16) and connecting rod cap
(5) Attach the connecting rod (16) and connecting rod cap (39) to the crankshaft (19) and install the connecting
rod cap bolts (7) and nuts (38).
(6) Pull down on all nuts (38) evenly, going from one side of the bearing to the other. Apply final tension with a
torque wrench, using a slow, steady pull and holding the wrench on torque for a few seconds when 20 to 25
foot-pounds' pressure is reached.
(7) Install and secure the cotter pin. Never back off the nut to install the cotter pin (37). It is better to go to a
slightly higher tension if necessary. If it is apparent that the cotter pin cannot be installed without bringing
the tension dangerously near the limit of the bolt, remove the nut and try again with another nut.
(8) Previous overtorquing or other damage to the bolt (7) or nut (38) will be felt by the torque "softening up" so
that the nut can be turned without any appreciable increase in wrench tension. Replace the bolt and nut in
such a situation.
(9) Check the connecting rod side clearance by forcing the rod fully to one side or the other. The correct
connecting rod side clearance is 0.010 to 0.006 inch. The desired clearance is 0.006 inch. This procedure
m. Running Clearance. The bearings are precision made, and it is not necessary to check their running clearance.
With the bearings properly installed and the nuts tightened, the bearing clearance will be 0.0018 to 0.0000 inch. After the
connecting rod bearings are assembled on the crankshaft, lubricate the connecting rod bearings and crankshaft with light
engine oil.
179. Flywheel and Flywheel Gear
a. General. The flywheel is attached to the crankshaft flange with six bolts, lockwashers, and nuts. One of the bolts
is offset one-sixteenth of an inch. A corresponding hole is located in the crankshaft flange so that the flywheel can be
assembled in but one position with regard to number one and four crank pins. It is very important to tighten the flywheel
bolts and nuts securely.
b. Removal.
(2) Remove the six bolts (49, fig. 82), lockwashers (2), and nuts (1) attaching the flywheel (3) to the crankshaft
(3) Remove the flywheel (3).