(11) Install the grooved pin (8).
(12) Install the bushing (26) and body plug (27).
(13) Instal the pipeplug (28) in the body (5).
(14) Run the nut (30) part way on the bumper screw (29) and install the screw in the governor body. Leave the
screw and nut loose for adjustment after installation.
(15) Install items (11) through (24) in the body (5) as an assembly.
(16) Install the locating screw (25) in the governor body (5).
189. Description
The 12-volt engine electrical system consists of the starting circuit, the charging circuit, and the ignition circuit. The
starting circuit includes two 6-volt batteries, ignition switch, magnetic switch, starter button, starting motor, and shielded
wiring. The charging circuit includes a 12-volt battery charging generator, voltage regulator, two 6-volt batteries, ammeter,
and shielded wiring. The ignition circuit includes radio shielded magneto, shielded spark plugs, and shielded spark plug
190. Magneto
b. Disassembly.
(1) Remove the four screws (39, fig. 101) attaching the end cap (2) to the frame and separate the end cap
assembly from the frame assembly.
(2) Remove the gasket (6).
(3) Remove the high-tension lead rod (9).
(4) Remove the screws (18) attaching the distributor block (7) to the end cap (2).
(5) Lift out the distributor block (7) from the end cap (2) and remove the distributor brush (8).
(6) Remove the vent screws (5), vent hoods (4), and vent screens (3).
(7) Unscrew and remove the high-tension inserts (1).
(8) Unscrew-the ground cable nut (37) and remove the ferrule (36), insulator washer (35), and insulator (34).
Unscrew and remove the ground cable terminal (33).
(9) Lift up and remove the distributor rotor (17).
(10) Remove the condenser mounting screw (29) and lockwasher (14).