40. Operation Under Dusty or Sandy Conditions
a. Effect on Equipment. Dust and flying sand penetrate bearings, bushings, and all moving parts and cause
excessive wear. The road roller must be cleaned and lubricated more often when it is operated under dusty or sandy
b. Protection.
(1) Install protective screens or walls to protect the roller from flying sand during sandstorms.
(2) Every 4 hours, inspect the air cleaner, fuel filter, exposed gears, and all moving parts.
(3) When operating in a sandstorm, cover the aircleaner and fuel tank cap with a clean cloth to prevent the
passage of dust and sand.
(4) Keep the side doors and the compression roll door closed.
(5) Use clean compressed air to remove sand and dust from the road roller and the engine.
(6) If possible, position the road roller so that the compression roll faces into the wind.
c. Lubrication. Lubricate the road roller more often according to LO 5-1185. Clean excess grease and lubricants
d. Fuel System. Inspect the fuel filter frequently. Clean the sediment bowl if necessary. Cover the fuel tank cap with
a clean cloth.
e. Cooling System. Inspect the radiator core and remove all imbedded foreign matter and sand by blowing it out
from the fan side of the radiator. Check hose and connections for leaks.
f. Gears. Inspect exposed gears for sand deposits which might cause excessive wear. Clean the gears with
cleaning solvent and apply new lubricant. Refer to LO 5-1185.
41. Operation in Salt Spray
a. Effect on Equipment. Salt spray develops a very fast corrosive action that may seriously damage the road roller.
After each operation near salt spray, the road roller must be cleaned carefully.
b. Precautions.
(1) If possible, operate the road roller so that the compression roll is facing into the salt spray.
(2) Cover the compression roll housing with canvas to break the intensity of the flying salt spray.
(3) Keep the side doors closed.
(4) After each operation, wash the exposed parts of the road roller with clean water. Check for corroded or rust
spots and repaint if necessary.
(5) Inspect the entire wiring system for salt sediment and wipe it clean.