29. Stopping
a. Pull the master clutch lever (18, fig. 10) back (away from the compression roll) to disengage the master clutch.
b. Put the forward and reverse clutch lever (1) in neutral position.
c. Apply the brake pedal (2) and secure it with the ratchet.
d. Let the engine idle for 2 or 3 minutes to allow the pistons and valves to cool.
e. Push in the magneto switch (10).
f. Turn the key in the ignition switch (8, fig. 11) counterclockwise to OFF position.
g. Close the fuel shutoff valve.
30. Operating Details
a. Gear Shifting.
(1) Pull the master clutch lever (18, fig. 10) back and disengage the master clutch.
(2) Push the gearshift lever (15) forward (towards the compression roll) to engage the high gear.
(3) Pull the gearshift lever back (away from the compression roll) to engage the low gear.
(4) Push the master clutch lever forward (toward the compression roll) and engage the master clutch.
b. Forward and Reverse Shifting.
(1) Push the forward and reverse lever (1) toward the compression roll to move the roller forward.
(2) Pull the forward and reverse lever away from the compression roll to move the roller backward.
(3) Control all movement of the roller with these levers. Do not slip clutches. Operate the lever for complete
engagement of the clutch.
c. Steering.
(1) Push the steering lever (7) toward the compression roll to turn left.
(2) Pull the steering lever away from the compression roll to turn right.
d. Turning on Loose Gravel. Avoid large, sharp stones and other abrasive material that may damage the rolls. Do
not turn sharply. Allow sufficient space for turning in order to protect rolls and graveled surface. Drive at slow speed to
prevent displacing gravel and damaging rolls. Do not accelerate suddenly.
e. Turning on Plyable Material. When driving on freshly made pavement avoid sudden stops and starts. Engage the
clutch slowly and do not jerk or brake suddenly. Do not attempt to turn around on freshly made pavement.