(1) Remove the loading blocks (20 and 17) and reinforcing blocks (21) which secure the steering roll (19) on the
flatcar (18).
(2) Remove the reinforcing boards (11) on the right and left sides of the compression roll (13).
(3) Remove the support blocks (8, 9, and 15) which secure the front (10) and rear (14) blocks.
(4) Remove the front (10) and rear (14) blocks from the compression roll (13).
(5) Remove the side blocks (12).
(6) Use reliable crane and make sure that the lifting capacity of the crane is not less than 17,000 lbs.
(7) Fasten cables or chains of the crane to the front (7) and rear (2) lifting hooks of the road roller and take up
the slack.
(8) Slowly and carefully lift the road roller clear of the flatcar and move it to a convenient location.
(9) Slowly lower the roller to the ground and remove lifting cables or chains.
c. Assembly of Removed Parts.
(1) Operator's seat. The operator's seat (8, fig. 1) has been removed from the operator's platform and stored
on the floor of the engine compartment. Remove the waterproof paper and protective tape from the
operator's sent. Install the operator's seat on the seat post (5, fig. 1).
(2) Control levers. The forward and reverse clutch levers (4, fig. 1) and the steering lever (7) have been
removed from the road roller and stored on the floor of the engine compartment. Remove the waterproof
paper and protective tape from the levers. Install the levers in their proper places and tighten the mounting
nuts securely.
(3) Batteries. The batteries are shipped on the road roller in their proper mounting place. Remove the
insulating tape from the battery cables and install the cables on the battery terminals. Make sure that the
terminal connections are clean and tight. Check the battery charge and electrolyte level. Add distilled water
d. Unloading the Road Roller With a Ramp.
(1) General. If crane equipment is not available, a ramp (fig. 8) must be used to unload or load the roller on a
flatcar. The roller may be moved over several flatcars to its proper flatcar by the use of spanning platforms
(fig. 9) placed between cars. This method requires that the order of loading be carefully planned, so that
rollers are arranged on flatcars in the desired