TM 5-3895-382-10Operation Section 4-29 Engine StartingUse of Jump Start CablesWhen auxiliary start receptacles are not available, usethe following procedure.1. Make initial determination as to failure of machineto crank. Refer to Special Instruction SEHS7768 onuse of 6V-2150 Starting/Charging Analyzer Group.Procedure applies even if machine does not havediagnostic connector.2. Place the propel control in the STOP position on thestalled machine. Apply the parking brake. Move allcontrols to HOLD.3. On the installed machine, turn the engine startswitch to OFF. Turn off all accessories.4. On the installed machine, turn on (close) thedisconnect switch (if equipped).5. Move the energy source (machine) near enough tothe stalled machine for the jump start cables toreach, but do not allow machines to touch.6. Stop the engine on the electrical source machine.Or, if using an auxiliary power source, turn off thecharging system.7. Make sure battery caps are all in place and tight onboth machines and that batteries in the stalledmachine are not frozen or low on electrolyte.8. Connect positive (+) jump start cable (red) topositive (+) cable terminal of discharged battery, orbattery set on stalled machine.NOTE: Batteries in series may be located in separatecompartments. Use the terminal that isconnected to starter solenoid. This battery, orbattery set, is normally on the same side of themachine as the starter.Do not allow positive (+) cable clamps to touchany metal other than battery terminals.9. Connect the other end of this positive (+) jump startcable (red) to the positive (+) terminal of theelectrical source. Use procedure of Step 8 todetermine correct terminal.10. Connect one end of the negative (-) jump startcable to the negative (-) terminal of the electricalsource.11. Make the final connection of the negative (-) cableto the frame of the stalled machine (not batterynegative (-) post), away from battery, fuel orhydraulic lines, and moving parts.12. Start the engine on the electrical source. Or,energize the charging system on the auxiliarypower source.13. Wait a minimum of two minutes for the batteries inthe stalled machine to partially charge.14. Attempt to start the stalled engine. Refer to sectionon Engine Starting.15. Immediately after starting the stalled engine,disconnect the jump start cables in reverse order.16. Conclude failure analysis on starting/chargingsystem of stalled machine, as required, now thatengine is running and charging system is inoperation.
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