TM 5-3895-383-24
Select the resistance scale on the multimeter. Attach
the multimeter leads to magnetic sensor terminals.
Resistance should be 265 ± 30 ohms. If the resistance
is correct go to Step 4. If the resistance is not correct,
replace the magnetic sensor. After you have replaced
magnetic sensor (2) go to Step 11 and adjust the air
Set the multimeter on the highest resistance scale.
Attach one lead of the multimeter to one of the magnetic
sensor terminals. Touch the other lead to case (4) of
magnetic sensor (2).
Electrical resistance should be infinite. If the multimeter
gives any reading, the magnetic sensor should be
replaced. After you have replaced magnetic sensor (2)
go to Step 11 and adjust the air gap.
Select the AC voltage mode on the multimeter. Attach
two leads from multimeter to the magnetic sensor
Start the engine and run at high idle.
Place the vibratory amplitude control switch in LOW
AMPLITUDE position.
Depress the vibratory control switch on the propel lever
to the ON position to start the vibratory system. The
multimeter should indicate approximately 2 ACV.
If no reading is obtained, magnetic sensor (2) may need
to be adjusted and/or replaced. Depress the vibratory
control switch on the propel lever to the OFF position to
stop the vibratory system. Stop the engine.
To adjust gap, loosen locknut and turn magnetic sensor
clockwise until it touches gear. Rotate magnetic sensor
(2) counterclockwise one full turn. The gap between the
end of the sensor and the gear tooth should be 1.57 mm
(0.062 inch). Tighten the locknut.
Once the correct reading is obtained, remove tooling
and reinstall hardware.