TM 5-3895-383-24
Fuel has a high "Cloud Point":
The fuel "Cloud Point" is the temperature at which
wax begins to form in the fuel. If the atmospheric
temperature is lower than the "Cloud Point" of the
fuel, wax will form and plug the fuel filter. Change
the filter and drain the fuel tank and the complete
fuel system. Replace the fuel with a better grade of
fuel with a lower "Cloud Point".
Defect in fuel injector(s):
Temperature of an exhaust manifold port, when the
engine runs at low idle speed, can be an indication
of the condition of a fuel injector. Low temperature
at an exhaust manifold port is an indication of no
fuel to the cylinder. This can possible be an
indication of an injector with a defect. Extra high
temperature at an exhaust manifold port can be an
indication of too much fuel to the cylinder, also
caused by an injector with a defect. NOTE: Only
technique. There can be wide operating
temperature variations on the exhaust manifold
and the injectors can still be operating
Check the height of all injectors to make sure there
are no seized injectors.
Check for free travel of all injector rack bars.
If an injector is suspected to be defective, check the
injector. Use the 1U6661 Pop (injector) Tester to
check the injector for proper operation. Refer to
Special Instruction, SEHS8867 for additional
Valve adjustment not correct:
Check and make necessary adjustments as per
Testing and Adjusting Section of the Service
Manual. Intake valve lash is 0.38 mm (.015 in) and
exhaust valve lash is 0.64 mm (.025 in). Also
check for a bent or broken push rod.
Fuel injection timing not correct:
Check and make necessary adjustments as per
Testing and Adjusting Section of the Service
Bent or broken push rod:
Check injectors height for any seized injectors
and/or bent or broken pushrods. Replace pushrods
as necessary.
Fuel injector control linkage binding:
Disconnect the governor output shaft from the fuel
injector control linkage. Check the linkage for
smooth operation. If linkage still appears to be
binding, remove injectors. With injector springs
compressed, check injector racks for smooth
operation. Replace injectors with "sticky" racks.
Check linkage again for smooth operation. If still binding,
loosen bolts holding linkage to cylinder head. Operate the
linkage by hand. If binding is still present after retightening the
bolts, replace the control linkage.
Cylinder head gasket leakage:
Leakage at the gasket of the cylinder head can show
as an outside leak or can cause loss of coolant
through the radiator overflow. Remove the radiator
cap and with the engine running look for air bubbles
in the coolant. Bubbles in the coolant are a sign of
probable leakage at the head gasket. Remove the
cylinder head from the engine. Check the cylinder
head, cylinder walls and head gasket surface of the
cylinder block for cracks. When installing the head,
use a new head gasket. Tighten the bolts that hold
the cylinder head according to the Specifications
Section of the Service Manual.
Valve leakage; wear or damage to pistons and/or piston
rings; wear or damage to cylinder walls: If leakage is heard at
the inlet manifold, the intake valves leak. If the leakage is
heard at the exhaust manifold, the exhaust valves leak.
Pistons or rings that have damage can be the cause of too
much pressure in the crankcase. This condition can cause
ore than the normal amount of fumes (blow-by) coming from
the crankcase breather. The 8T2700 Indicator Group is used
to check the amount of blow-by. The test procedure is in
Special Instruction, SEHS8712.
Improper injector synchronization:
Check and make necessary adjustments as per
Testing and Adjusting Section of the Service
Low idle rpm:
Check and make necessary adjustments as per
testing and adjusting section of this service manual.
Governor control group linkage:
Check and make necessary adjustments as per
Testing and Adjusting Section of this Service
Loose or missing dash pot orifice plug:
Remove the cover at the rear of the governor.
Replace or tighten the orifice plug with new locking