TM 5-3895-382-24
Slowly rotate the crankshaft clockwise until the piston
makes contact with the open valve. Make another
temporary mark on the damper or the pulley in order to
align accurately with the tip of the pointer.
Make a temporary mark at the center point between the
two marks on the damper or the pulley. Remove the
other two marks. Rotate the crankshaft by 1/8 of a turn
in a counterclockwise direction. Remove the spacer
between the valve stem and the rocker lever.
Slowly rotate the crankshaft in a clockwise direction until
the mark on the damper or the pulley, which was made
in Step 8, aligns with the tip of the pointer. The number
1 piston is now at the top center on the compression
Setting The Engine Timing Mark On
Type 1 Engines and 9RM Engines
For a complete description of Type 1 and Type 2
engines, refer to the Systems Operation, Testing
and Adjusting Module, "Engine Design" for more
Table 6
Tools Needed
Timing Fixture Group
Set the piston of number 1 cylinder top center on the
compression stroke.
Remove the fuel injection pump and the gasket.
Illustration 33
Adapter from the 9U-6188 Timing Fixture Group.
Align the key that is in the adapter with the keyway that
is in the gear of the fuel injection pump. Install the
adapter to the gear. Ensure that the adapter is against
the rear face of the timing case. Secure the adapter to
the gear with the nut which is supplied with the adapter.
Illustration 34
Engine timing tool from the 9U-6188 Timing Fixture Group.
(1) Pointer
(2) Screw
(3) Shaft
(4) Screw
(5) Screw
Loosen the screw (5). Set the engine timing tool to the
correct engine check angle. Refer to the Specifications,
"Fuel Injection Pump" for the correct engine check
angle. Tighten the screw (5). Loosen the screw (4).
Install the splined shaft (3) into the engine timing tool.
Loosen the screw (2). Install the pointer (1) and tighten
the screw (2).
Install the splined shaft of the engine timing tool into the
adapter. Slide the engine timing tool along the splined
shaft until the engine timing tool rests against the
adapter. Tighten the screw (4).
Loosen the screw (2). Slide the pointer forward until the
flat face rests against the rear face of the timing case.
Tighten the screw (2). If the mark on the timing case is
correct, the mark will align with the top edge of the
pointer (1). If the mark is not correct, remove the engine
timing tool and remove the mark on the timing case.
Install the engine timing tool. Ensure that the pointer
rests against the timing case. Make a new mark on the
timing case. Make the new mark along the top of the
straight edge of the pointer.
Remove the engine timing tool and the adapter.
Install a new gasket on the fuel injection pump. Install
the fuel injection pump on the engine.