TM 5-3895-382-24
Illustration 29
Fuel injection pump with timing pin (typical example).
(1) Timing pin
(3) Hub nut
(4) Hole in the pump body
(6) Hub slot
Illustration 30
Timing gear and hub of the fuel injection pump (Lucas and
Table 4
(1) Timing pin
(4) Hole in the pump body
(2) Torx screws
(5) Slot for the timing gear
(3) Hub nut
(6) Hub slot
Do not remove the hub nut (3) from the shaft of
the fuel injection pump. The hub of the fuel pump
is installed on the shaft of the pump in the factory
in order to ensure that the fuel pump is in the
correct position for timing. If the hub is removed,
the hub will need to be accurately installed to the
shaft of the pump by the use of special equipment
at a Caterpillar Dealer.
Do not release the torx screws (2). If the torx
screws are released and the timing plate is
moved, the timing position that is set at the
factory will be lost. If the torx screws are
released, the engine must be set to top center of
the number 1 cylinder on the compression stroke
before the torn screws are tightened.
Remove the fuel injector nozzles, the water pump, and
the cover for the gear of the fuel injection pump.
Rotate the crankshaft in a clockwise direction until the
inlet valve on the number 1 cylinder closes. Slowly
rotate the crankshaft until the slot for the timing gear (5)
and the hub slot (6) are aligned with the hole in the
pump body (4).
The position of the slot for the timing gear, the
hub slot, and the hole in the pump body is on the
bottom of the fuel injection pump. The slot is for
inserting the timing pin. The position of the slot is
for the Lucas fuel injection pump and the
Stanadyne fuel injection pump.
Insert the timing pin (1) through the timing gear and the
hub slot. Push the timing pin (1) into the hole of the
pump body (4) as far as possible. When the pin is
inserted all the way, the engine is at the top center of
the number 1 cylinder on the compression stroke. No
resistance should be felt when the timing pin is inserted
into the hole of the pump body (4). The pin should be
inserted all the way into the hole of the pump body.