TM 5-3895-382-24
Tighten the bolts for the fan drive housing
(not shown) to the following torque:...................44 Nm (32 lb-ft)
Tighten the bolts for the fan drive pulley
(not shown) to the following torque:...................22 Nm (16 lb-ft)
Tighten the bolts for the fan (not shown) to the
following torque:
M8 ................................................................22 Nm (16 lb-ft)
M10..............................................................44 Nm (32 lb-ft)
Alternator and Regulator
SMCS Code: 1405; 1410
Illustration 57
Typical alternator (side view)
Illustration 58
End view of the 12 volt alternator which shows the electrical
Illustration 59
End view of the 24 volt alternator which shows the electrical
Test the battery with a carbon pile 4C-4911
Battery Load Tester in order to measure the
maximum output from the alternator.
The rotation of the alternator is clockwise when the alternator
is viewed from the pulley.
The regulator of the alternator is sealed.
Polarity .............................................. Negative ground to the case
Type of brushes .....................................................................Sealed