5.7 Water Filter and Conditioner
The current water filter includes a non-chromate type element. This element can be used in place of either of the former
water filter elements (permanent type anti- freeze or plain water type) and thus provides year around cooling system
protection. The current and the former water filter elements are completely inter- changeable in the former filter can
Replace the element and service the water filter and conditioner as follows:
1. Close the water filter inlet and outlet shut-off valves. If shut-off valves are not provided, vise grip pliers can be used
to clamp each hose closed during the filter change.
Remove the filter cover-to-filter body bolts.
Remove and discard the element.
Remove and discard the corrosion resistor plates, if the former type filter is used.
Remove the sludge and sediment and wash the sump and filter body. Dry it thoroughly with compressed air.
Replace the drain plug, if removed, in the bottom of the filter.
Insert the new element.
Use a new filter cover gasket, install the filter cover, and tighten the bolts evenly.
Open the inlet and outlet lines by opening the shut-off valves or removing the vise gripplier clamps.
10. Operate the engine and check for leaks. The top of the filter and the outlet line should feel warm to the touch with
the rise in coolant temperature. If not, disconnect the filter outlet line at the end opposite the filter connection to bleed
the air from the system and reconnect the line. Use caution to minimize coolant loss,
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