The engine cooling system water filter and conditioner (Fig. 1) is a compact
by-pass type unit with a replaceable element.
A correctly installed and properly maintained water filter and conditioner
provides a cleaner engine cooling system, greater heat dissipation, increased
engine efficiency through improved heat conductivity. and contributes to
longer life of engine parts.
The filter provides mechanical filtration by means of a closely packed
element through which the water passes. Any impurities such as sand and
rust particles suspended in the cooling system will be removed by the
straining action of the element. The removal of these impurities will
contribute to longer water pump life and proper operation of the thermostat.
The filter also serves to condition the coolant by softening the water to
minimize scale deposits, maintain an acid-free condition and act as a rust
Fig. 1 - Water Filter and Conditioner
Corrosion inhibitors are placed in the element and dissolve into the water, forming a protective rust-proof film on all of
the metal surfaces of the cooling system (refer to Section 13.3). The other components of the element perform the
function of cleaning and preparing the cooling passages while the corrosion inhibitors protect them.
Filter Installation
If a water filter and conditioner is to be installed on an engine which has been in service, drain and flush the cooling
system prior to installation of the filter.
Filter Maintenance
Replace the chemically activated element periodically and buff the lower corrosion resistor plate on the former filter each
time (discard the plate if excessive metal loss or pitting is evident) to ensure effective protection of the cooling system.
If the water filter is installed on an engine which has previously been in service, it may be necessary to change the filter
element two or three times at intervals of 6,000 miles or less to clean up accumulations of scale and rust in the cooling
system. It is advisable to drain and flush the system during these initial change intervals.
Change the filter element periodically as outlined in Section 15.1.
Make-up water up to approximately 40% of the total capacity of the cooling system may safely be added before a filter
element change is required.
If it is necessary for any reason to drain the cooling system before an element change, the treated water should be saved
and re-used. If the treated water is discarded, a new filter element must be installed since the protective agents in the
used filter will have been partially consumed in treating the discarded water.
Whenever the water filter is removed and reinstalled, the filter must have metal-to-metal contact (grounded), either
directly with the mounting surface or through the mounting bolts.
July, 1970 SEC. 5.7 Page 1