5.4 Fan
The shaft and bearing assembly are permanently sealed and require no lubrication.
Assemble the fan hub and spindle shown in Fig. 5 as follows:
1. Apply Chevron BRB No. 2 grease or an equivalent performance grease to the rollers of both bearings before
installing them in the fan hub (pulley).
Install the inner bearing with the protruding face of the inner race facing outward from the hub.
Install a new seal with the felt-side flush with the outer edge of the hub.
Place the hub over the spindle and install the bearing spacer.
Pack the cavity approximately 1/4 full with grease and install the grease baffle.
6. Place the shims against the bearing spacer. Then install the outer bearing with the protruding face of the inner race
facing outward from the hub.
7. Place the retaining washer with the breakout side toward the bearing. Install and tighten the bolt to 83-93 lb-ft
torque while rotating the pulley.
8. Check the end play in the assembly with the spindle (shaft) in a horizontal position. The end play must be within
.001 " to .006 ". If necessary, remove the bolt, washer and outer bearing and adjust the number and thickness of shims
to obtain the required end play. Shims are available in .015 ", .020 " and .025" thickness. Then reassemble the fan
hub and check the end play.
Fill a new fan hub cap 3/4 full of grease and install it in the end of the fan hub (pulley).
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