Flywheel Housing 1.5
3/8"-16 attaching bolts to 30-35 lb-ft torque and the
NOTE: If the flywheel extends beyond the
3/8"-24 nuts to 35-39 lb-ft torque.
housing bell, the bore and face must be checked
separately. Use the special adaptor in the tool
a. Install tool J 9748 in one of the crankshaft bolt
set to check the housing bore.
c. Tap the front end of the crankshaft with a soft
b. Install the dial indicator J 8001-3 and position it
hammer or pry it toward one end of the block to
to read the bore run-out of the housing (Fig. 10).
ensure end play is in one direction only.
Now check the run-out by rotating the crankshaft.
The run-out should not exceed 008".
d. Adjust each dial indicator to read zero at the
twelve o clock position. Then rotate the crankshaft
c. Reposition the dial indicator to read the face run-
one full revolution, taking readings at 45o
out and rotate the crankshaft. The maximum
intervals (8 readings each for the bore and the
allowable run-out is 008".
bolting flange face). Stop and remove the wrench
or cranking bar before recording each reading to
d. If the bore or face run-out is excessive, loosen the
ensure accuracy. The maximum total indicator
housing attaching bolts and nuts slightly and tap
reading must not exceed ,013" for either the bore
the housing with a soft hammer in the required
direction until the run-out is within limits.
or the face.
Tighten the attaching bolts and nuts evenly to 3%
35 and 35-39 lb-ft torque respectively. Then
e. If the run-out exceeds the maximum limits, remove
recheck the run-out.
the flywheel housing and check for dirt or foreign
material (such as old gasket material) between the
flywheel housing and the end plate and between
the end plate and the cylinder block.
16. Use a new gasket and install the oil pan
f. Reinstall the flywheel housing and the flywheel
and tighten the- attaching bolts in the proper
sequence and to the specified torque. Then
Install and
recheck the run-out. If necessary, replace the
tighten the 1/2""- 13 reinforcement bolts.
flywheel housing.
17. Remove the engine from the overhaul stand and
complete assembly of the engine.
14. Install the clutch housing, if used. Tighten the
SEC. 1.5 Page 5
November. 1973