C y l i n d e r Block 1.1
Fig. 14 - Typical Cylinder Block Markings
indicate cracks or leaks. A cracked cylinder block must
be replaced by a new block.
8. Remove the block from the water tank. Then
remove the plates, seals, gaskets and liners and blow
out all of the passages in the block with compressed
9. Dry the cylinder liners with compressed air and coat
them with oil to prevent rust.
This method may be used when a large water tank is
unavailable, or when it is desired to check the block
for cracks without removing the engine from the
equipment which it powers. However, it is necessary to
remove the cylinder head(s), blower, oil cooler, air box
covers and oil pan.
1. Prepare the block as outlined in Method "A".
Fig. 13 - Block Bore Measurement Diagram
However, before installing the large sealing plate, fill
the water jacket with a mixture of water and one
type shortening or permanent type antifreeze solution
gallon of permanent type antifreeze. The antifreeze
to the seal rings.
will penetrate small cracks and its color will aid in
detecting their presence.
3. Slide the cylinder liners into the block, being careful
not to roll or damage the seal rings. Install new
2. Install the plate(s) and water hole covers as outlined
compression gaskets and water hole seal rings in the
in Method "A".
counterbores in the top surface of the block.
3. Apply 60 psi air pressure to the water jacket and
4. Secure the plate(s) on the top of the block with
maintain this pressure for at least two hours to give
5/8 "-11 bolts and flat washers.
the water and antifreeze mixture ample time to work
its way through any cracks which may exist.
5. Install the water hole cover plates and gaskets on the
sides of the block.
4. At the end of this test period, examine the cylinder
bores, air box, oil passages, crankcase and exterior of
6. Immerse the cylinder block for twenty minutes in a
the block for presence of the water and antifreeze
tank of water heated to 180o - 200o F.
mixture which will indicate the presence of cracks. A
cracked cylinder block must be replaced by a new
7. Attach an air line to the water hole cover plate and
apply 60 psi air pressure to the water jackets and
observe the water in the tank for bubbles which will
5. After the pressure test is completed, remove the
SEC. 1.1 Page 7
March, 1973