(23) from flex mount (9).
6-1. General
j. Remove grease fitting (24) from flex mount (9).
The roll assembly consists of a roll, shaft, bearings,
6-4. Cleaning-Inspection-Repair
bearing housings, stub axles, pulley and flex mountings
a. Clean all parts with an approved cleaning solvent
with bushings.
and dry thoroughly.
6-2. Removal
b. Inspect grease hole in end of shaft that it is open.
Remove nuts (1), bolts (2), bolts (3), and shims (4). (para
Clean out old grease with wire.
c. Inspect shaft bearing surfaces for build-up of carbon.
6-3. Disassembly (fig. D-6)
Polish with very fine emery cloth.
a. Remove bushing lock screw (5).
Inspect bearing housings for out-of-roundness.
b. Remove bushing (6), pulley (7) and remove key (8).
Replace if .005 inch or more.
c. Remove flex mounts (9) and thrust washers (10).
e. Inspect stub axles for scarred bushing surfaces.
d. Remove nuts (11), stub axles (12) and (13). A slight
Replace -if scarred.
tapping with a brass mallet around the periphery of the
f. Inspect flex mounts for cracks in, or sagging of
stub axles will release them.
rubber. Replace if cracks are inch deep or more and if
e. Remove shaft (14). Place 3/4 inch diameter steel
rubber is sagging 'A inch or more.
rod, 18 to 24 inches long, into hole provided in short end
g. Bushing should be replaced anytime the roller is
of shaft; and 1 I or 2 inch standard pipe, approximately
down for repairs.
5 feet long, over long end of shaft. With one man holding
h. Inspect bearings for scarred rollers or roller surfaces
the rod, a second man pushes on the pipe. Shaft is fed
and for carbon build-up. Replace if bearing rollers are
through the roll (15) in this manner. Pipe will not allow
scarred or show a build-up of carbon. Bearing inner race
shaft to fall into roll. The bearing housing (16) at the short
must turn freely and smoothly.
end of the shaft will come away with shaft. Remove
6-5. Reassembly (fig. D-6)
bearing housing ( 16) and shims ( 17) from roll (15) and
a. Hand-pack the bearings (18) and fill the cavities of
shaft (14).
the stub axles (12) and (13) with grease. See latest
f. Remove bearings (18) from bearing housings (16).
lubrication order.
Bearings are a light press fit into housings and must be
b. Reassembly is the reverse of disassembly.
removed with an arbor press. Use a 31h inch diameter
c. When assembled, shaft (14) must have end play of
piece of tubing or solid steel, 4 to 6 inches long, and place
1/16 to inch. This is accomplished by the use of shims
against bearing inner race.
(17) as required between the bearing housings (16) and
g. Remove studs (19).
roll (15).
h. Remove grease fittings 120) from end of shaft 1141
and stub axle (13).
Installation is in the reverse of removal.
i. Remove screw (21), washer (22) and remove