(3) Insert the valve in the guide and press it against the valve seat, using a screwdriver or valve grinding tool.
(4) Rotate the valve back and forth for about one-quarter turn.
Note. Do not rotate the valve continuously all the way around. Such rotation will cut grooves in the valve
(5) Raise the valve and rotate slightly to a new position. Repeat the grinding procedure.
(6) Remove the valve and carefully clean the grinding compound from the valve face and valve seat.
(7) Draw lines with a pencil or chalk across the valve face. The lines should be about one-eighth of an inch
(8) Press the valve against the valve seat and rotate with firm pressure.
(9) Lift the valve and inspect the valve face. If the lines are rubbed off, the grinding job is completed. Repeat
the grinding procedure until the lines are rubbed off.
Note. Do not remove more metal than is necessary to provide a good seat.
(10) Carefully clean the valve face, seat, and stem and see that the grinding compound is completely removed.
Wash valves in cleaning solvent and apply a light coat of engine oil to the valve stems.
g. Installation.
(1) Assemble the locknut (8, fig. 53) and adjusting screw (7) and install in the valve tappet (9).
(2) Coat the valve stem with engine oil and insert it in the valve guide. Make sure that the valve is inserted in
the same guide from which it was removed.
(3) Lift up the valve and install the valve spring (4).
(4) Install the valve spring retainers (5 and 12). Remember that the intake valve has a standard spring retainer,
and the exhaust valve self-rotating spring retainer.
(5) Compress the valve spring (4). Make sure that the valve compressing tool is securely locked.
(6) Insert the lock pin (11) on the intake valve (10) and lock keys (6) on the exhaust valve (1).
(7) Unlock the valve compressing tool and slowly lower the spring (4).
(8) Remove the cloth from the openings around the tappet seats.
(9) Make preliminary adjustment of each valve (see b above).
(13) Start the engine and let it idle until normal operating temperature is reached.