TM 5-3895-383-24
Fan Motor (Radiator Cooling)
SMCS Code: 1386
Part No.: 143-3520
Illustration 21
Fan Motor
(1) Output shaft. (2) Case drain port. (3) Adjustment screw. (4) Relief Valve. (5) Check valve. (6) Gears.
The fan motor is a fixed displacement gear motor that is
mounted behind the hydraulic oil tank. The fan motor drives
the radiator fan. The fan motor serves to draw cooling air
through the radiator and the hydraulic oil cooler. Hydraulic oil
for the fan motor is provided by the gear pump.
The fan motor is equipped with a relief valve (4) and a check
valve (5). When the machine is started, the priority valve in the
gear pump shifts and the fan motor receives a continuous
supply of hydraulic oil. The oil from the gear pump enters the
inlet port and flows into the cavity that is formed by gears (6).
The pressure of the hydraulic oil forces the gears and the
attached output shaft (1) to rotate. The output shaft is
mounted to the fan by an adapter and the rotation of the output
shaft causes the fan to rotate. As the gears rotate, the
hydraulic oil passes through the outlet port and the oil flows out
of the motor.
The speed of the fan is controlled by the flow of oil from the
priority valve that is in the steering pump and the adjustment of
relief valve (4). Adjustment of the relief valve is required in
order to change the speed of the fan. Refer to Testing and
Adjusting Fan Motor (Radiator Cooling) -Test and Adjust in
order to vary the speed of the fan.