TM 5-3895-383-24
Porosity in fuel filter base
Check the fuel filter base for porosity or defects.
Fuel can be transferred to the crankcase through a
defective fuel filter base.
Defective seal in the fuel transfer pump
Check for a defective O-ring seal between the fuel
transfer pump and the governor housing. Refer to
Disassembly & Assembly, in this service manual.
Problem 35: Fuel In Coolant
Probable Cause:
Defect In Cylinder Head Sleeve
Defect in cylinder head sleeve:
Remove unit injectors and inspect sleeves in
cylinder head injector bores. Look for any signs of
cavitation erosion or cracks. If any problems are
seen, remove the sleeve and replace with new
Problem 36: Loss Of Coolant
A. Outside Leaks (Go to Step 1)
Probable Cause(s):
Leaks in Hoses Or Connections
Leaks In The Radiator And/Or Expansion Tank
Leaks In The Heater
Leaks In The Water Pump
Cylinder Head Gasket Leakage
B. Coolant Leaks At The Overflow Tube
(Go to Step 6)
Probable Cause(s):
Defective Pressure Cap
Engine Runs Too Hot
Expansion Tank Too Small
Cylinder Head Gasket Leakage Or Crack(s) In
Cylinder Head Or Cylinder Block
C. Internal Leakage (Go to Step 10)
Probable Cause(s):
Erosion Or Crack(s) In Injector Sleeves
Cylinder Head Gasket Leakage
Crack(s) In Cylinder Head
Crack(s) In Cylinder Block
A. Outside Leaks
Probable Cause(s):
Leaks in hoses or connections:
Check all hoses and connections for visual signs of
leakage. If no leaks are seen, look for damage to
hoses or loose damps.
Leaks in the radiator and/or expansion tank:
Put pressure to the radiator and/or expansion tank
wit the 9S8140 Cooling System Pressurizing Pump
Group and check for leaks.
Leaks in the heater:
Put pressure to the cooling system with the 9SB140
Cooling System pressurizing Pump Group and
check for leaks.
Leaks in the water pump:
Check the water pump for leaks before starting the
engine, then star the engine and look for leaks. If
there are leaks at the water pump, repair or install a
new water pump.
Cylinder head gasket leakage:
Look for leaks along the surface of the cylinder
head gasket. If you see leaks, install a new head
gasket. Tighten the bolts that hold the cylinder
head according to the Specifications Section of the
Service Manual.
B. Coolant Leaks At The Overflow Tube
Probable Cause(s):
Defective pressure cap:
Check the sealing surfaces of the pressure cap and
the radiator to be sure the cap is sealing correctly.
Check the opening pressure and sealing ability of
the pressure cap valve with the 9S8140 Cooling
System Pressurizing Pump Group.