TM 5-3895-383-24
Operation at high altitude:
The cooling capacity of the cooling system goes
down as the engine is operated at higher altitudes.
A system, under pressure, large enough to keep
the coolant from boiling must be used.
Engine used in a lug condition:
"Lugging" can occur when there is too much load
applied to the engine or the engine is run at a lower
rpm. This low rpm causes a reduction in air flow
through the radiator, and a reduction in the flow of
coolant through the system. This combination of
less air and less coolant flow during high input of
fuel will cause above normal heating.
Fuel setting:
A high fuel setting causes a high heat rejection. If
the engine cooling system is designed for a
particular heat rejection and it is changed the
cooling system is no longer capable of cooling the
Fuel injection timing:
Check and make necessary adjustments as per
Testing and Adjusting Section of the Service
Problem 27: Below Normal Coolant Temperature
Probable Cause(s):
Long Idle Periods
Very Light Loads
Water Temperature Regulator
Air Vent Valve
Fan Clutch Engaged
Long idle periods:
When the engine is running with no load, only a
small quantity of fuel is burnt and engine heat is
removed too fast.
Very light load:
Very light loads can cause below normal heating
because of the low heat input of the engine. A
slight restriction of air flow through the radiator will
help to correct this problem.
Water temperature regulator:
A water temperature regulator that is "stuck" open
(will not move to the closed position) will cause
below normal heating. A regulator that is stuck
between the open and closed positions, or a vent
valve that is stuck open, can cause below normal
coolant temperatures when the engine has a light
Air vent valve:
An air vent valve located in the water temperature
regulator that is stuck open, can cause below
normal coolant temperatures when the engine has
a light load.
Fan clutch engaged:
Electric fan clutch engaged. Check temperature
Problem 28: Exhaust Temperature Is Too High
Probable Cause(s):
Air Inlet System Has A Leak
Exhaust System Has A Leak
Air Inlet Or Exhaust System Has A Restriction
Incorrect Fuel Injection Timing Dimension
Fuel Setting Too High
Engine Operated In A Lug Condition
Air inlet system has a leak:
Check pressure in the air inlet manifold. Look for
restriction at the air cleaner. Correct any leaks.
Exhaust system has a leak:
Find cause of exhaust leak. Make repairs as
Air inlet or exhaust system has a restriction:
Remove restriction.
Incorrect fuel injection timing dimension:
Check and make necessary adjustments as per
Testing and Adjusting Section of the Service
Fuel setting too high:
Check and make necessary adjustments as per
Testing and Adjusting Section of the Service
Manual. See Fuel Setting And Related Information
Fiche for the correct fuel setting.