TM 5-3895-382-24
All oils do not perform equally. A lower quality lube
oil would require that the oil change intervals be
reduced accordingly. If the sulfur content in the fuel
is greater than 1.5% by weight, use an oil with a
TBN of 30 and reduce oil change interval by one half
the interval recommended in the Maintenance
It is also essential to include an SOS analysis of oil
condition before oil change period adjustment is
If the engine crankcase oil has reached its condemning
limits as established by the oil analysis program, refer to
the topic, Engine Oil and Filter(s), in this publication for
the procedure to change the crankcase oil and oil filter.
For more information on adjusting or extending oil
change intervals for specific applications, see your
Caterpillar dealer.
Engine Oil and Filter(s)
Park the machine on a level surface to perform this
maintenance procedure.
Refer to the Lubricant Specifications section and
recommended oil and quantity to use for your engine.
The oil and filter change interval is established by the
engine oil sump capacity. This maintenance should be
performed according to the SOS analysis result or the
interval listed in the Maintenance Schedule.
Drain the crankcase with the engine stopped and the
oil warm to allow for the draining of waste particles
that are suspended in the oil. As the oil cools,
suspended waste particles will settle on the bottom
of the crankcase or oil pan and will not be removed
with the draining oil.
After the engine has been run at normal operating
water temperature, STOP the engine. Remove
the crankcase drain plug and O-ring (or open
crankcase drain valve and remove drain plug) and
allow the oil to drain. Inspect O-ring for damage,
replace if necessary.
An oil sample for SOS (Scheduled Oil Sampling)
analysis should have been obtained from the SOS
valve or can be obtained from the crankcase draining at
this time.
Install the crankcase drain plug and O-ring (or
close crankcase drain valve and install drain plug).
If equipped with oil pan drain plug, tighten it to 34
5 Nm (25 4 lb ft).
Maintenance Section
Every 250 Service Hours or 3 Months