TM 5-3895-382-24
Table 33
Fault Conditions And Possible Causes
Current At Start-up
The Voltage Is Below the
The Voltage Is Within The
The Voltage Is Within The
Specification After 10
Specification After 10
Specification After 10
Less than the
Replace the alternator.
Turn on all accessories. If
Check the circuit of the
the voltage decreases below
ignition switch.
the specifications, replace
the alternator.
Decreases after matching
Replace the alternator.
The alternator and the
Replace the alternator.
battery match the
specifications. Turn on
all accessories in order to
verify that the voltage stays
within specifications.
The current consistently
In order to test the battery,
The alternator operates
Replace the alternator.
exceeds the specifications.
follow the procedures that
within the specifications. In
Inspect the battery for
are in the Tool Operation
order to test the battery,
Manual, SEHS7633. Test the
follow the procedures that
alternator again.
are in the Tool Operation
Manual, SEHS7633.
After approximately ten minutes of operating the engine
at full throttle, the output voltage of the alternator should
be 14.0 0.5 volts for a 12 volt system. After
approximately ten minutes of operating the engine at full
throttle, the output voltage of the alternator should be
28.0 1 volts for a 24 volt system. Refer to the Fault
Conditions And Possible Causes in Table 33.
After ten minutes of engine operation, the charging
current should decrease to approximately 10 amperes.
The actual length of time for the charging
current to decrease to 10 amperes depends on the
following conditions:
The battery charge
The ambient temperature
The rpm of the engine
Refer to the Fault Conditions and Possible Causes in Table 33.