TM 5-3895-382-24
Do not use dirty test fluids when you test fuel injection
nozzles. Also, do not test fuel injection nozzles unless
you have the correct service tools. The use of dirty test
fluids and the use of incorrect service tools will result in
damage to fuel injection nozzles.
Refer to Illustration 52 in order to connect the fuel
injector nozzle (2) to the tooling.
The spray from the fuel injector nozzle must be directed
into the 1U-8857 Extension (4) and the 8S-2270 Fuel
Collector (6).
Use clean 6V-6068 Calibration Fluid when the fuel
injector nozzles are tested. The calibration fluid is
equivalent to SAE J-967 (ISO 4113) oil.
Close the gauge protector valve. Close the shutoff
valve. Open the pump isolator valve. In order to flush
the fuel injector nozzle, operate the nozzle tester for 10
to 15 strokes by using a rate of approximately 60
strokes per minute.
Open the gauge protector valve. Slowly increase the
pressure until the valve in the fuel injector nozzle opens.
Note the highest pressure Indication on the gauge
before the pointer decreases to 0 kPa (0 psi). This
highest pressure indication is the opening pressure of
the fuel injector nozzle. The opening pressure is
defined when the valve needle (16) is lifted from the
valve seat.
Refer to the table in Specifications, "Fuel Injection
Nozzles" for correct pressure settings. If the opening
pressure is not within the range of the setting which is
listed in the table, the opening pressure of the fuel
injector nozzle must be adjusted.
Loosen the cap nut (9). Turn the pressure adjusting
screw (11) clockwise in order to increase the pressure.
Turn the pressure adjusting screw counterclockwise in
order to decrease the pressure.
Tighten the cap nut (9). Check the opening pressure
again on the nozzle tester. If the pressure is correct,
remove the fuel injector nozzle from the nozzle tester.
NOTE: Before the fuel injector nozzle is removed from
the tester, be sure that the gauge protector valve
is closed in order to prevent damage to the
pressure gauge.
Back Leakage Test
Refer to Illustration 52 in order to connect the fuel
injector nozzle (2) to the tooling.
Position the fuel injector nozzle so that the fuel spray is
directed into the 1U-8857 Extension (4) and the
8S-2270 Fuel Collector (6).
Pump the pressure to about 1030 kPa (150 psi) less
than the opening pressure of the fuel injector nozzle.
Refer to Specifications, "Fuel Injection Nozzles" for the
correct setting of the opening pressure. Release the
handle. Note the time that is required for the pressure
to decrease to approximately 0 kPa (0 psi). If the fuel
injector nozzle is not defective, the time will not be less
than 5 seconds or more than 45 seconds.
When the test in Step 2 is done, look for any leakage
from the pressure faces of the holder and the retaining
nut of the fuel injector nozzle. If leaks are visible, make
sure that the components are tightened to the correct
torque. If leakage continues to occur, unscrew the
retaining nut from the body. Inspect the threaded
surfaces for foreign particles and damage. If the
threaded surfaces are clean and the threaded surfaces
are undamaged, test the fuel injector nozzle again by
using Steps 1 and 2.
If the pressure decreases to 0 kPa (0 psi) in less than 5
seconds, too much fuel leaks around the valve needle.
The valve needle or the fuel injector nozzle must be
replaced in order to correct the problem.
Fuel Injector Nozzle And Seat Test
Refer to Illustration 52 in order to connect the fuel
injector nozzle (2) to the tooling.
Position the fuel injector nozzle so that the fuel spray is
directed into the 1U-8857 Extension (4) and the
8S-2270 Fuel Collector (6).
Pump the pressure of the nozzle tester to approximately
1030 kPa (150 psi) below the opening pressure of the
fuel injector nozzle. A drop of fuel should not form on
the tip of the fuel injector nozzle in order for a sufficient
quantity to drip from the tip for at least ten seconds. A
light dampness is acceptable. If the results of the tests
are not acceptable, clean the fuel injector nozzle.
Replace the fuel injector nozzle if fuel leakage occurs
after cleaning the fuel injector nozzle.