A warranty period of 15 months applies to Self-Propelled Model SP-848 Vibratory Rollers, contract number
DLA700-78-C-8327, manufactured by Rexnord Inc. after delivery to the Government. This warranty applies to the end
item components and all supplies furnished under the contract.
Using units may not contact their local dealer. You must mail DA Form 2407 to the Maintenance Directorate,
TARCOM, at the following address: US Army Tank-Automotive Materiel Readiness Command, ATTN: DRSTA-MVB,
Warren, Michigan 48090. To expedite actions you may call the Information to AUTOVON 273-3387, 3383 or 3439 with
the information from your DA 2407, Section 1, Block 1 through 11, Blocks 16, 17, 18 and 20.
General Information:
a. DA Form 2407 (prepared in accordance with warranty claim actions in TM 38-750) will be used to submit
warranty claims actions for end items when components, parts or assemblies are defective and are covered by a
manufacturer's warranty. End items under warranty are identified by a decal plate and/or warranty statement included in
the operator's and maintenance manual for the end item. All warranty actions settle or unsettled will be reported to the
National Maintenance Point (NMP) on DA Form 2407. For warranties settled locally the DA Form 2407 will contain a
statement "For Information Only" in block 35.
b. Maintenance activities in support of organizational maintenance are the responsible points of contact
between the originator of warranty claims and the National Maintenance Point (US Army Tank-Automotive Materiel
Readiness Command, DRSTA-MVB, AUTOVON 273-3387, 3383 or 3439, Warren, Michigan 48090), which serves as the
DA Representative with the contractor in warranty matters.
NOTE: In certain instances, the originating organization and the support activity are one and the same.
c. Before you take your equipment to a dealer for repair, whether or not it was necessary for you to go through
the NMP (TARCOM), check with your local procurement office to see if a funds commitment document is needed.
Sometimes, even though the majority of the repairs are covered by the warranty, there may be a small charge for normal
maintenance costs, i.e., oil filters, oil etc. Further the cause of damage could be determined by the dealer to be directly
related to "operator abuse." In that case, the Government may be obligated to pay for teardown services even if