a. Cover end - Manifold - Remove screws, copper
on a flat surface),medium India stone or by lapping.
washer, manifold and "0" rings from pump cover.
Check edges of vanes for wear Vanes must not have
Remove cover mounting cap screws Separate
excessive play in slots or burrs on edges. Replace if
the cover from the pump body Remove the
necessary. Check each rotor slot for sticky vanes or
pressure plate spring, pressure plate, pump ring,
wear Vanes should drop in rotor slots by their own
locating pins, rotor and vanes. Remove the two
weight when both slot and vane are dry
"0" rings.
b Relief valve - Insert valve in its bore in pump cover.
b. Shaft end - Support the shaft end of the pump
There should be no binding. Check valves and bore
body in a 2" straight pipe coupling and, using an
for excessive wear and scoring. Replace if necessary.
arbor press, remove the shaft thrust spacers,
c. Bearings - Wash bearings and shaft assembly
outer needle hearing and shaft seal. The shaft
thoroughly Bearings must be replaced if they are
assembly should drop through a slot in the press
removed for any reason.
table so the shaft will not be damaged The outer
needle bearing and shaft seal are a press-fit to
d. Shaft and Seal - Replace the shaft seal at each
the body. Use a pin punch and hammer to tap
overhaul to prevent oil leakage Check the drive shaft
the inner needle bearing from the body.
oil seal diameter for wear and scoring. Do not install a
new seal on a shaft which is worn or damaged at the.
c. Cover - Mount the cover in a vise Drive out
oil seal diameter. Replace the shaft if worn Stone and
retaining pin with a pin punch. Protect the relief
polish the sharp edges on the shaft to prevent damage
valve plug and subassembly against falling from
to the seal.
bore Work the plug, control valve and spring
from the bore
e. Body and Cover - Stone all mating surfaces with a
medium India stone to remove all burrs and sharp
NOTE- Access to the relief valve plug and
edges Rewash all parts after stoning.
subassembly may be gained through the large
chamfered hole which leads to relief valve bore C. REASSEMBLY
from inside the cover.
1. Immerse all parts in clean hydraulic oil to facilitate
Wash all parts in clean solvent. Inspect relief valve
and bore for wear and scoring
Shaft end - Press inner needle bearing in the
body, using an arbor press b Assemble the split-
ring thrust spacer on the shouldered portion of
a. Ring, rotor, vanes, pressure plate and body. -Inspect
the shaft in the body
the surfaces of all parts which are subject to wear
Light scoring may be removed from the faces of the
body or wear plate with crocus cloth (by placing cloth