IMPORTANT : Punch mark the carrier at the retainer end of the weight pins so the
pins may be placed in the proper position when reinstalling the weights in the
NOTE: Drive the pins out of the carrier from the weight pin retainer end.
4. Slide the riser and bearing assembly from the shaft. Do not disassemble the bearing since the
riser and bearing are serviced only as an assembly.
Immerse all of the governor parts in a suitable cleaning fluid to loosen and remove all foreign
material. Use a bristle brush and compressed air as necessary to ensure cleanliness of all parts.
Examine the bearings for any indications of corrosion or pitting. Lubricate each bearing with light
engine oil; then, while holding the bearing inner race from turning, revolve the outer race slowly by
hand and check for rough spots. Replace the bearings if rough or tight spots are detected.
The lower governor drive components have been revised to reduce the clearance between the riser
and the weight shaft. With this change, additional lubrication is provided to the governor by an oil
line connected between the oil gallery in the cylinder block and the governor weight housing. When
replacing the riser assembly, shaft and carrier assembly, or the complete governor assembly, the
new oil line must be installed to provide adequate lubrication.
Examine the riser thrust bearing for excessive wear, flat spots or corrosion. If any of these
conditions exist, install a new riser and bearing assembly. Examine the weight carrier pins for wear
and replace them if necessary.
Inspect the spring seats, plungers, adjusting screws, lock nuts and other parts of the control housing
for defects that might affect governor operation. Inspect the weight carrier, weights and retaining pins
for wear. The current single-weight carrier replaces the former double-weight carrier.
Inspect the fuel pump drive end of the weight shaft. Replace the shaft if the end is worn or rounded.
Inspect the bushing in the weight housing. Replace the bushing if it is worn excessively.
Inspect the spring seats, plungers, adjusting screws, lock nuts, and other parts of the control housing
for defects that might affect the governor operation.
Assemble Governor Cover
1. Place a new seal ring in the counterbore of the cover ( Fig. 2).
NOTE: The single lever cover has the seal ring at the top of the cover. The
double lever cover has the seal ring at the bottom of the cover.
2. Lubricate the speed control shaft with engine oil, then slide the shaft through the cover. Install
the washer and retaining ring on the shaft.
3. Place the speed control lever over the shaft and secure it with the bolt and lock washer.
4. On double lever covers, lubricate the stop lever shaft with engine oil, then slide the shaft through
the cover.
5. Place the seal ring in the counterbore of the shaft opening, then install the washers over the
shaft. Lock the shaft in place with the retaining ring.
6. Place the stop lever on the shaft and secure it with the bolt and lock washer.
Assemble Control Housing
1. Install a 1/8" pipe plug in the tapped hole in the side of the control housing.
2. If necessary, assemble the control housing to the weight housing, using a good quality sealant
between the tube and the housings.
3. Install the governor operating shaft lower bearing, numbered side out, in the weight housing.
Install the snap ring to secure the bearing (Fig. 5).
4. Apply a quality sealant around the edge of a new plug and tap it in place.
5. Start the governor operating shaft upper bearing over the upper end of the operating shaft.
Support the lower end of the shaft on the bed of an arbor press. Use a sleeve and press down on the
inner race of the bearing until it contacts the shoulder of the operating shaft.
6. Place the operating lever on the shaft with the flat surface on the shaft registering with the flat
surface on the lever. Press the lever tight against the bearing on the shaft.
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