Fuel Injector 2.1.1
comparator will automatically stop the flow of fuel after 1000 strokes.
After the fuel stops flowing into the vial, pull the rack out to the no-fuel position.
Observe the reading on the vial and refer to Fig. 19 to determine if the injector fuel output falls within its
specified limits. If the quantity of fuel in the vial does not fall within the specified limits, refer to Trouble Shooting Chart 6
and Shop Notes in Section 2.0 for the cause and remedy.
To check the fuel output, operate the injector in the calibrator (Fig. 21) as follows:
NOTE: Place the cam shift index wheel and fuel flow lever in their respective positions. Turn
on the test fuel oil heater switch and preheat the test oil to 95 to 105 F.
Place the proper injector adapter between the tie rods and engage it with the fuel block locating pin. Then slide
the adapter forward and up against the fuel block face.
Place the injector seat J 22410-226 into the permanent seat (cradle handle in vertical position). Clamp the
injector into position by operating the air valve.
Fig. 25. Removing Injector Nut
Fig. 24. Removing or Installing
Plunger Follower, Plunger and
NOTE: Make sure the counter (Fig. 22) on the calibrator is preset at 1000 strokes. If for any
reason this setting has been altered, reset the counter to 1000 strokes by twisting the cover
release button to the left and hold the reset lever in the full up position while setting the
numbered wheels. Close the cover. Refer to the calibrator instruction booklet for further
Pull the injector racks out to the no-fuel position.
Turn on the main power control circuit switch. Then start the calibrator by turning on the motor starter switch.
NOTE: The low oil pressure warning buzzer will sound briefly until the lubricating oil reaches
the proper pressure.
After the calibrator has started, set the injector rack into the full-fuel position. Allow the injector to operate for
approximately 30 seconds to purge the air that may be in the system.
After the air is purged, press the fuel flow start button (red). This will start the flow of fuel into the vial. The fuel
flow to the vial will automatically stop after 1000 strokes.
Shut the calibrator off (the calibrator will stop in less time at full-fuel).
Observe the vial reading and refer to Fig. 19 to determine whether the injector fuel output falls within
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