1.2.2 Exhaust Valves
Support the cylinder head, bottom side up, on 3" thick wood blocks.
Drive the valve guide out of the cylinder head with valve guide remover J 7775 (four valve head) as shown in Fig. 5.
Turn the cylinder head right side up and install the valve guide as follows:
1. Insert the internally threaded end of the valve guide in the proper valve guide installing tool (refer to the Valve Guide
Installing Tool chart). Be sure to use the correct tool to avoid damage to the valve guide and to locate the valve guide to
the proper dimension.
2. Position the valve guide squarely in the bore in the cylinder head and press the installing tool gently to start the
guide in place (Fig. 6). Then press the guide in until the tool contacts the cylinder head (the bottom of the counterbore in
the four valve cylinder head).
CAUTION: Do not use the valve guides as a means of turning the cylinder head
over or in handling the cylinder head.
Fig. 5 - Removing Valve Guide
Fig. 6 - Installing Valve Guide
Distance of
Below Top
of Head
J 7832
4 Valve
150 Chamfer
J 9729
4 Valve
45 Chamfer
J 9730
4 Valve
*Machined for use with valve guide oil seal.
Valve Guide Installing Tools
Inspect the exhaust valve seat inserts for excessive wear, pitting or cracking.
The valve seat inserts are pressed into the cylinder head and must be removed as outlined in the following procedure to
avoid damage to the cylinder head:
Place the cylinder head on its side on a bench as shown in Fig. 7.
Place the collet of tool
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