All engine components in this catalog are divided
The Alphabetical Index
is particularly
into sever, major groups of functionally related
helpful when only a part name is known and the
group cannot readily be determined. Parts are
listed alphabetically by noun name, followed by a
To locate a part, first, establish the group where
description of the application of the part and the
the part IS used (see the Alphabetical Index or
final group location. Component parts of assem-
G r o u p Nomenclature page), with this informa-
blies are not listed since they will appear in the
t i o n , turn to the proper group.
body of the book immediately following the assem-
bly to which they belong.
For purposes of illustration, a Model 5033-7101,
serial number 3D-1417 RC engine, will be used.
To determine the proper part number of the fan
At the beginning of each of the 7 sections of this
catalog there are several pages of illustrations. In
As indicated in the
each section of the parts list figure numbers refer
Group Nomenclature page, the Fan is
to illustrations within that section only, unless
otherwise noted. In the majority of cases illustra-
group 5.4235
tions are typical, that is; they may represent more
than one part number. For example, in the case of
The part
the flywheel housing, figure 5A of section 1.0000, a
single housing is shown to represent all housings.
is illustrated in Figure 4A, identified as being in
group 5.4235.
K e y numbers on illustrations are final group
Each Engine Model is provided with a Model Index,
In many instances a part has more than one appli-
which shows the Standard and Standard Option type
cation. Wherever a part appears in its second or
numbers currently available on the model. All op-
third application the basic group is shown in paren-
tional material type numbers are listed on the
thesis following the description.
engine Option Plate,
The names and type numbers of optional equipment
Unless otherwise specified, standard bolts in the
built into the unit at the factory are listed on this
parts list are hexagon head. Other standard parts
plate, along with the unit model, serial number and
are described in detail.
customer specification number (if any). Material
not listed on the Option Plate is standard equipment
The ASSEMBLY BREAKDOWN section is designed
and the type number is obtained from the model
to eliminate repeating components of assemblies
and sub-assemblies. When the Assembly Break-
d o w n is used it is always follows
TO determine the proper furl filter element part
the group it pertains to.
number, refer to the Option Plate to determine
that the filter is standard equipment.
which make use of the Assembly Breakdown
Turn to group 2.3000A and
will have a note to that effect under the sub-
in the
column note that the part number
group heading. The note will refer to the page
of the filter assembly, in sub-group 2.3310, is
on which the assembly is shown. The part num-
5573949. However a note in the group heading
ber will appear in the first group of the Assembly
refers to " ssembly Breakdown, Page B8 for
Breakdown showing the quantity used.
components of the filter assembly. On page B8.
All other
the filter assembly 5573949 appears in column.
items appearing in that column are components
All components of the filter assembly will
of the assembly.
be listed.