Preventive Maintenance
of the battery every 100 hours or 3,000 miles. In warm
weather, h o w e v e r , it should be checked more
frequentIy due to a more rapid, loss of water from the
electrolyte. The electrolyte level should he maintained
in accordance with the battery manufacturer s
Item 15
Delco-Remy Cam and Ball Baring Lubricating, or
equivalent. Avoid excessive lubrication since this may
cause lubricant to be forced onto the commutator.
while others use sealed bearings. In these latter two
cases, additional lubrication is not necessary.
brushes every 500 hours or 15,000 miles. Clean the
commutator every 2,000 hours or 60,000 miles, if
necessary, with No. 00 sandpaper or a brush seating
stone. After cleaning, reseat the brushes and blow out
the dust.
brushes can be inspected through the end frame
assembly. If the slip rings are dirty, they should be
cleaned with 400 grain or finer polishing cloth. Never
use emery cloth to clean slip rings. Hold the polishing
cloth against the slip rings with the generator in
operation and blow away all dust after the cleaning
operation. If the slip rings are rough or out of round,
replace them.
Inspect the terminals for corrosion and loose
connections and the wiring for frayed insulation.
Item 16
Check the specific gravity of the electrolyte in each cell
SEC. 15.1 Page 7
April, 1974