Lubricating Oil Cooler 4.4
3. After the pressure check is completed. remove the
Clean Oil Cooler Core
plate and air hose from the cooler core, then dry the
core with compressed air.
1. Clean oil side of Core - Remove the core from the oil
cooler. Circulate a solution of trichloroethylene
NOTE: In cases where a leaking oil cooler core
through the core passages with a force pump to
remove the carbon and sludge
engine must be immediately flushed to prevent
serious damage (refer to Section 5)
CAUTION: This operation should be done in the
open or in a well ventilated room when
trichloroethylene or other toxic chemicals are
Install Oil Cooler Core
used for cleaning.
1. If the oil cooler adaptor (In-Line engines) was
Clean the core before the sludge hardens. If the oil
removed from the cylinder block. remove the old
passages are badly clogged, circulate an Oakite or
gasket material from the bosses where the adaptor sets
alkaline solution through the core and flush thor-
against the block. Affix new adaptor gaskets (Fig. 3).
oughly with clean. hot water.
then secure the adaptor to the cylinder block with five
bolts and lock washers.
2. Clean water side of Cooler - After cleaning the oil
side of the core. immerse it in the following solution:
2. Clean the old gasket material from both faces of the
Add one-half pound of oxalic acid to each two and
core flange and affix new gaskets to the inner and
one-half gallons of solution composed of one third
outer faces (Fig. 3).
Insert the core into the
muriatic acid and two-thirds water. The cleaning
cooler housing.
action is evidenced by bubbling and foaming.
NOTE: The inlet and outlet openings in the oil
Watch the process carefully and, when bubbling stops
cooler core are stamped "IN" and "OUT". It is
(this usually takes from 30 to 60 seconds). remove the
very important that the core be installed in the
core from the cleaning solution and thoroughly flush it
correct position to prevent any possibility of
with clean, hot water. After cleaning. dip the core in
foreign particles and sludge. which may not
light oil.
have been removed in cleaning the fins of the
core, entering and cirulating through the
NOTE: Do not attempt to clean an oil cooler
core when an engine failure occurs in which
metal particles from worn or broken parts are
3. Align the matchmarks previously placed on the core
released into the lubricating oil. Replace the oil
and housing and install the oil cooler core in the oil
cooler core.
cooler housing.
4. With the matchmarks in alignment, place the oil
Pressure Check Oil Cooler Core
cooler housing and core against the oil cooler adaptor
(In-Line engines).
After the oil cooler core has been cleaned, check for
leaks as follows:
Tighten the bolts to
1. Make a suitable plate and attach it to the flanged
side of the cooler core. Use a gasket made from
rubber to assure a tight seal. Drill and tap the plate to
permit an air hose fitting to he attached at the inlet
5. Slide the hose and clamps in position between the
side of the core (Fig. 2).
cylinder block water inlet elbow and the oil cooler
Secure the clamps in place.
2. Attach an air hose. apply approximately 75-150 psi
air pressure and submerge the oil cooler core and plate
6. Place a new gasket between the fresh water pump
assembly in a container of water heated to 180F. Any
and the cooler housing and secure the pump to the
leaks will be indicated by air bubbles in the water. If
cooler housing.
leaks are indicated, replace the core.
7. Position the hose and clamps in place between the
CAUTION: When making this pressure test be
water pump and the tube to the thermostat housing.
sure that personnel are adequately protected
Secure the clamps.
against any stream of pressurized water from a
8. Install all of the accessories or equipment it was
leak or rupture of a fitting, hose or the oil
cooler core.
necessary to remove.
SEC. 4.4 Page 3
July. 1972