C r a n k s h a f t 1.3
Fig. 10 . Standard Dimensions at Crankshaft
Fig. 11 . Checking Crankshaft End Play
Thrust Surfaces-In-Line
shells as outlined under Install Main Bearing Shells in
them in the same locations from which they were
Section 1.3.4.
NOTE: When a new or reground crankshaft is
NOTE: If the bearings have been installed
installed, ALL new main and connecting rod
properly, the crankshaft will turn freely with all
(upper and lower) bearing shells and new thrust
of the main bearing cap bolts drawn to the
washers must also be installed.
3. Apply clean engine oil to all crankshaft journals and
7. Check the crankshaft end play by moving the
install the crankshaft in place so that the timing marks
crankshaft toward the gage (Fig. 11 ) with a pry bar.
on the crankshaft timing gear and the idler gear
Keep a constant pressure on the pry bar and set the
match. Refer to Section 1.7.1 for the correct method
dial indicator to zero. Then remove and insert the pry
of timing the gear train.
bar on the other side of the bearing cap. Force the
crankshaft in the opposite direction and note the
4. Install the upper halves of the crankshaft. thrust
amount of end play on the dial. The end play should
washers on each side of the rear main bearing support
be .004" to ,011" with new parts or a maximum of
and the doweled lower halves on each side of the rear
.018" with used parts. Insufficient end play can be the
main bearing cap. The grooved side of the thrust
result of a misaligned rear main bearing or a burr or
washers must face toward the crankshaft thrust surfaces.
dirt on the inner face of one or more of the thrust
NOTE: If the crankshaft thrust surfaces were
reground, it may be necessary to install oversize
8. Install the cylinder liner, piston and connecting rod
thrust washers on one or both sides of the rear
assemblies (Section 16.3).
main journal. Refer to Fig. 10 and Table 2.
9. Install the cylinder head(s) (refer to Section 1.2).
5. Install the lower bearing shells (no oil grooves: in
the bearing caps. If the old bearing shells are to be
10. Install the flywheel housing (Section 1.5). then
used again, install them in the same bearing caps from
install the flywheel (Section 1.4).
which they were removed.
11. Install the crankshaft lower engine front cover and
the lubricating oil pump assembly on In-line
6. Install the main bearing caps and lower bearing
SEC. 1.3
Page 7
November, 1973