Preventive Maintenance
Item 15
all dust after the cleaning operation. If the slip rings
are rough or out of round, replace them.
I n s p e c t the terminals for corrosion and loose
Item 17
connections and the wiring for frayed insulation.
temperatures above + 30F (-lC), use a No. 2
grade grease. Use a No. 1 grade grease below this
Item 16
temperature. Lubricate all other control mechanisms,
as required, with engine oil.
Check the specific gravity of the electrolyte in each cell
of the battery every 100 hours or 3,000 miles. In warm
weather, however, it should be checked more
Item 19
frequently due to a more rapid loss of water from the
electrolyte. The electrolyte level should be maintained
in accordance with the battery manufacturer s
There is no scheduled interval for performing an
engine tune-up. As long as the engine performance is
satisfactory, no tune-up should be needed. Minor
adjustments in the valve and injector operating
mechanisms, governor, etc. should only be required
Item 17
periodically to compensate for normal wear on parts.
3,000 miles with an all purpose grease at the grease
fitting. At temperatures above + 30 F (-1 C), use a
Item 20
No. 2 grade grease. Use a No. 1 grade grease below
this temperature.
New drive belts will stretch after the first few hours of
operation. Run the engine for 15 seconds to seat the
belts and readjust the tension. Then check the belts
and retighten the fan drive, pump drive and battery-
Item 18
charging alternator drive belts after 1/2 hour or 15
miles and again after 8 hours or 140 miles of
Lubricate the throttle control mechanism every 200
operation. Thereafter, check the tension of the drive
hours or 6,000 miles with an all purpose grease. At
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